Perfuct Halloween Queen

“Still waiting.” “What is the theme this year?” “I can’t wait to see what you’re all going to do this year.” 

These are just a few of the questions and comments I get each year about our family’s Halloween getups. Since Charleigh, now eight, experienced her first Halloween, we have done a theme and gotten dressed up as a family. We’ve done the Wizard of Oz, 101 Dalmations, Grease, Alice in Wonderland, Superheroes vs Villains, Magical Unicorns, and more. 

This year- nothing. Nadda. Zilch. Zero. I tried. I tried to get in the zone. I have always done it because I loved it. I have never done it because it was an expectation or because I felt pressure to do so. If anything, it made me happier than it did my children and, most certainly, happier than my husband. 

I had ideas this year- we tried the Incredibles. We even found a Dash costume for the dog. I looked at Winnie the Pooh- Chris was going to be Pooh and the dog was going to be a honey pot with a little bee coming out of it. The girls were good with either idea. We even went so far as to go try on the Incredibles’ costumes at Halloween City. The girls giggled and they looked great! 

But, for some reason, I just couldn’t pull the trigger. There was something inside of me that couldn’t do it this year. The girls don’t dress up in their costumes for school, our regular Halloween night routine isn’t happening this year, Chris won’t get home until after six, it’s quite expensive, and Charleigh is scared of Halloween altogether and doesn’t even want to trick or treat. Are those the reasons why? Maybe. But, I don’t think so. 

Am I tired? Am I lazy? Maybe. Those are probably more the case. I feel like I have a million and one things to do and this is one that I just don’t have the energy for this year. I’m not feeling like a party pooper- I’m taking the girls out after school to bake and decorate cookies, have pizza, and either hand out candy or trick or treat. 

And, I fully anticipate being back in the game next year. I already have some ideas, but this year is not my year. We have no pumpkins, no decorations out, and we’re leaving our neighbourhood to go visit my parents and some friends. 

Usually, we have dinner with our neighbour friends and the parents and kids all go out trick or treating together. This year, they have other plans and I’m totally okay with that, but it will be different. Different can be good! Mix it up a little. Try something new and exciting. 

I’m looking forward to seeing the kids’ faces when they put on their costumes after school and I do their makeup. I’m happy to go do what we’re doing, but I just don’t want to do it up big this year. Does that make me a bad mom? Am I ruining a relatively long-standing tradition? I don’t know. I do know that when our good friends from Arizona sent the girls a little gift package the other day and it had the two Incredibles movies in it, I had a pang of guilt and felt like I should get to the store as soon as I could. And, when I stopped, just yesterday, October 30th, to grab them whatever Descendents’ costumes were left at Party City, I did eye up the adult costumes to see if there was one for me. 

The girls are happy with their costumes, but they did ask who Daddy and I were going to be. I had to break the news to them. They were disappointed, but quickly redirected their attention to their new blue and green wigs. They’ll be okay. I don’t think they’ll hold it against me forever. 

It’s okay to say no. I just did. It’s a bit weird and my Facebook memories can stop popping up with all our other Halloween photos anytime. But, I made the right decision this year. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Let it go! Let it go! (Uh oh…Frozen 2 is coming out soon…)

Here’s hoping that next year I have my mojo back and maybe it will be better than ever! I wonder what Christmas will bring? Will I feel like donning our matching pajama silliness? I guess only time will tell. Actually, maybe I should have done that for Halloween? A comfy pair of matching pajamas and Chris could have been Santa? Maybe that would have matched my mood? The dog could have been a reindeer and the girls and I could wear cozy onesies and get cookies and hot chocolate. Why didn’t I think of that before now? 

Wishing you and yours a safe and enjoyable Halloween. 

Until next time…embrace your perfuction.