Welcome to the Perfuct Club.

PERFUCT – Having the knowledge that you’ll never be perfect & the wisdom to know you’re perfuct just the way you are.

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” ~ Coco Chanel

Impact. Influence. Inspire.

The PERFUCT Club was created for us all. It is a work in progress by us all. Here, we can work together to increase our own self-esteem and confidence and the self-esteem and confidence of others.

The PERFUCT Club is a place to support each other’s decisions, businesses, dreams, and goals. It is for career women, stay-at-home women, women with children, women without children, and women of all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

It is here for us to impact, influence, and inspire one another…a place where we can celebrate our strengths, our differences, our uniqueness, our talents, our quirks, our flaws, and everything that makes each of us perfectly PERFUCT.

By accepting ourselves as we are, committing to personal growth, and forgiving our past mistakes, we can rise up and continue to claim our own lives and create the lives we were always intended to have- fulfilled, happy ones.

Like diamonds, although never perfect, we can symbolize strength, power, courage, love, and beauty. It’s an opportunity for us to all have mentors and choose to be mentors. It’s about shutting down negativity and shifting our language and mindset to set us up for success.

“The story behind The Perfuct Club is one that resonates deeply with me.

PERFUCT: Having the knowledge that you’ll never be perfect and the wisdom to know you’re perfuct just the way you are. 

The company was created by my beautiful, brave friend, Angela, who, over the years, is learning to embrace her flaws and release the expectations that society has placed upon her. She’s made it her mission to encourage other women join in letting go of perfection.

Basically, she made Perfuct Club just for me!! (Okay… probably you, too!)”

– Cheryl Zandbergen, Moms Gone Wild

The PERFUCT Club will challenge you to be the most authentic and genuine version of yourself. You will be encouraged to be vulnerable, open, and honest with yourself and others.

You can choose to learn by attending one of the workshops, seminars, or speaking events, pop over to the Blog for a giggle or a relatable story, or, perhaps, you’re looking to work one-on-one with Angela to overcome an obstacle, set some goals, identify your passion, set yourself on a new course of action, or accelerate your rate of success.  Or, maybe today is simply a great day to grab a coffee, relax, and shop for some fun, cute, and comfortable PERFUCT apparel.

Wake up each day purposefully, lead by example, show appreciation, say thank you, give compliments, and be kind to others…and yourself. Stare today in the face and embrace your perfection.

“There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

~ Winnie the Pooh