My Own Election Perfuction

Let me start by saying that this isn’t a political post, as tomorrow is election day in Canada. This is about my own election perfection where my juggle is real. As I type, I am sitting on a Delta flight to Minneapolis, where I will be spending the next few days with our company’s franchisor, at what could be my last meetings, in my elected position as the Canadian franchisee representative. And, here I am, once again, struggling to make tough decisions surrounding my career and my family. 

Three years ago, I made the decision to run for the position on the marketing advisory review council with the franchise organization that we are partnered with. There is one Canadian seat on the council and I was successful in securing it. I am joined by sixteen other elected franchisees from other geographical territories throughout the United States. 

This is a volunteer position that requires approximately two and a half weeks of travel each year, a three-year commitment, and additional volunteer hours throughout the year for committees, conference calls, etc. It is a position that I truly love and find exceptionally rewarding, but it does come at the expense of precious time with my young family. I have often said that I only get kick at the can to raise my children, but will have countless opportunities to begin new business ventures. I want to do this parenting thing right, but I, also, know that when we take care of our own wellbeing, we are that much more capable of giving of ourselves to others.  

These tri-yearly meetings feel somewhat like an escape from my daily life. I am surrounded by successful entrepreneurs and executives and the days are jammed packed full of business discussions, decisions, and food. Lots and lots of fabulous food. My alter ego gets to come out and play. The Lulus (baggy Studio pants, of course. ”Real” Lulus are, like, tight and stuff) and hoodies get put away for a few days and out comes my business attire. The running shoe collection is temporarily replaced with fancy high heels and I have to untangle all of the necklaces that are loosely thrown in my drawer.

I love getting to use my mind in different, challenging ways and enjoy every moment of this reprieve from the daily demands of motherhood, but I miss my little bananas something fierce and the guilt finds its way back in. It’s always hardest right before I leave and during the Facetime calls and texts back home. 

These are the same kids that are enjoying spending quality time with their dad and grandparents. Should I feel guilty? Can I miss them like mad, be so looking forward to getting home to see them, and not feel like I’m being selfish? Do I run for the position? Don’t I run? Is it unfair? Am I being selfish? 

I was, once again, nominated and we are currently in the midst of the campaigning period. Elections take place in November and I have made the decision that I will throw my hat back in the ring for another round. If I’m successful, I will be required to take a minimum three years hiatus afterwards, as you are only permitted to serve two consecutive terms. So, here we go again!

Today, the kids are with their dad and my mom, lovingly known to the kids as Yammy, will pick them up after school tomorrow for an hour or so. Then, Chris’ mom, Diane, aka Nan, will travel over to spend time with them, until I return home Wednesday night. I know they miss me when I’m gone, but it’s never for more than a few days. I, also, know that they have a lot of fun spending time with others that they love. 

Realistically, they have me at their beckon call 94% of the time (trust me, I ran the numbers). I can take them to school, drop them off, travel with them, go on most field trips, take them to the majority of their activities, and so much more. In most cases, when I have to visit our distant salon locations, I can choose my own travel dates based around our family calendar. I, obviously, don’t have that luxury when it comes to the selection of these dates, but the good news is that the dates are provided to us about one year in advance, which gives us plenty of time to plan. 

Let’s, also, throw Cpt. Kevin into the mix- our new, little lovebug is a true Momma’s boy! Everyone near us can attest to it. He’s likely currently pouting in his crate (with the door open), while the kids try to play with him. He always takes a day or so to recover from my temporary departure. Hopefully, he figures it out quickly- he seems to be rallying more quickly each time I go, but, lately, even he can make me feel guilty for leaving. 

Well, we’re not far from the airport now, where my driver will be awaiting my arrival, holding up his “ROLLINS” sign, scooping up my bag, and chauffeuring me back to my hotel… because that always happens in my every day life! 

Wish me luck! 

Until next time…embrace your perfuction.