May 3rd, 1995- The Best Worst Day of My Life

May 3, 1995, just three weeks after my 19th birthday- a day I’ll never forget. I was picked up after school at about 2:30pm and we were heading out for an adventurous afternoon.  Minutes later, we were involved in a serious car accident in what was one of the most dangerous intersections in the province at the […]

Coming Up for (H)Air

First and foremost, how are you? No, really- how are you? Are you like me and the answer can literally change from moment to moment? This has been an interesting time for all of us…to say the least, but for the most part, I feel like I’ve accepted that there’s nothing I can do to […]

Perfuct Perception

In a world full of social media images and stories on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, yada yada, we see so many people who appear to have it all together. Designer homes, lovely cars, gorgeous children, amazing bodies, perfect hair and makeup daily, fresh baking, Pinterest birthday parties…ugh. The pressure to be perfect once again!  When […]

PerPITual Perfuction

Twice a year, I get a little jumpstart on my base tan before I head off on our annual trips with my parents- Hawaii in November and Lake Havasu in March…that is, when their health decides to cooperate with our travel plans. I always feel better when I’m a tad more golden, but I don’t […]

My Own Election Perfuction

Let me start by saying that this isn’t a political post, as tomorrow is election day in Canada. This is about my own election perfection where my juggle is real. As I type, I am sitting on a Delta flight to Minneapolis, where I will be spending the next few days with our company’s franchisor, […]

Perfuct Halloween Queen

“Still waiting.” “What is the theme this year?” “I can’t wait to see what you’re all going to do this year.”  These are just a few of the questions and comments I get each year about our family’s Halloween getups. Since Charleigh, now eight, experienced her first Halloween, we have done a theme and gotten […]

PUPetually Perfuct

Oh, snap! What have we done? We’ve recently introduced a new member to our family- Kevin Sloppy Waffles. Yes, you read that correctly- formally Captain Kevin Sloppy Waffles, the English Bulldog. Who am I to ruin children’s puppy name dreams?  Dogs have almost always been a part of my life, but a few hold an […]

How I became Perpetually Perfuct.

Hello and welcome to the club! Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all perpetually perfuct. I’m Angela and I like to consider myself a recovering perfectionist! Having said that, and because I’m not perfect, my desire to be perfect creeps in here and there and can paralyze me from getting on […]